Course Overview
During this 3-weeks course, you will learn how to relax and unwind in the evening in order to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. We will focus on well established various relaxation techniques and strategies that can help you create a calm and peaceful evening routine, allowing you to let go of the day's stresses and fully recharge for the next day. By the end of the course, you will have a toolbox of skills to help you wind down effectively and enjoy a restful night's sleep.
In this course we offer mindful breathing meditations (every week a new one), daily affirmations for your subconscious mind, daily pictures to focus on and dedicated light languages (every week a new one). These tools and techniques can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, allowing you to unwind and relax in the evening without feeling guilty or overwhelmed.
Daily time investment by you: 5-15 minutes depending on your possibilities
Key Concepts:
- 1 dedicated breathing meditation which should be done for 7 days in a row (every week a new one)
- Daily affirmation which should be said (loudly or in the mind) or written several times
- Daily picture to think about
- 1 dedicated light language which should support you in calming down your energy (every week a new one). It can be that the frequency might be too high for you. If you feel uncomfortable with the sounds, try it and allow it to resonate with you. If it does not work for you, you can skip it. At least try every night to observe your reactions, feelings, and thoughts.